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Spindletop Museum Reopens Friends And Welcome Home From Iraq

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lucas Gusher, near Beaumont, 1901. (

Local newspaper report of the oil discovery. Noticed the news under the ladies’ underwear ad? (photo:

It was like a blast from the past as we were greeted by this beautiful young lady.

The stampeding crowds listened impatiently as the guest of honor sermoned.

We were truly blessed with beautiful weather. High was 68-deg F.

Crowds gathered for a re-enactment of the gusher-blow.

“Bubba, I thank dis wanz a dud.”

Hard work for the wildcatters then and now.

“Well, Bubba! Izit gonna blow, or wut?”

(Suddenly, my camera began to beep as it ran out of memory; and as frantically as I tried to reload it, I could hear the simultaneous cheers from the onlookers and see the enormous gusher shooting skyward, casting an incredible rainbow…and then, it was all over–without me taking a single photo! Well, the important thing is that I got to witness it with my own eyes.)

The law was there to protect.

Very authentic!

No, this is not wife-napping, which might have been common in those days. An actor posting for photos with a gleeful visitor.

Our new friend from Houston, Marie, and her new vintage Honda Helix!

Becky had “No Fear” of the “Scare Bear”! Nice Mohawk too, Becky!

(From right) Marie, Ed, Ron, Becky and Lorenzo.

Becky and Marie, ready to tear up the streets of Beaumont; and next, the Interstate 10. Scoot Happy, ladies!!

Go here for a news report of the museum re-opening form


After parting ways with Marie and Becky, we rode over to the Regional Airport to join the Patriot Guards Riders and the Texas Patriot to welcome a hometown soldier returning from Iraq. I want to thank Joe of the Patriot Guard Riders and Duane of the Texas Patriot for the invitation to join them in providing escort for our soldier to his home in Bridge City. It was an experience not to be forgotten. Welcome home and we thank you for your service to our country!

The riders gathered for a group picture. (Photo w/permission: Duane Frasier)

Our brave soldier, the 21-year-old Travis Nelson (front center) of Bridge City, returning home from his 4th tour in Iraq. (Photo w/permission: Duane Frasier)

Finally, I want to congratulate Ron for riding over the tallest bridge in Texas, the Rainbow Bridge, on our way back from Bridge City. It was quite a feat! What a wonderful way to end a great day!–Lorenzo

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